《忧郁之火》海报,手绘插画高洁,海报设计Peter Park。每一个为这支小小短片的诞生做出过贡献的人的名字都在上面。衷心感谢你们每一位!
8月底,上海封控结束不久之后,在艺术家好友Jared和Camilla的大力鼓舞之下,我拉着一心怀梦想的新朋旧友,在极短时间内组建了一个临时剧组Rock Pushers,参加了一个疯狂的电影挑战赛,同时兼任导演、制片和编剧,在48小时内从零开始完成一支剧情短片,最后,我们幸运地荣获了包括最佳导演奖在内的数个奖项。其实离现在也不算久远,但如今看来,一切都有恍若隔世之感。实在非常对不起剧组的各位小伙伴!我一直忙于各种事物,事务上和精神上,拖了太久,直到现在才把片子放到线上来。对我来说,这是今年夏天最美好的回忆,希望你们也会像我一样享受它。
At the end of August, not long after the grand lockdown in Shanghai,with the encouragement of artist friends Jared and Camilla, I pulled together a group of old and new friends with dreams, quickly assembled an impromptu crew named Rock Pushers in a very short time, participated in a crazy film challenge, working as director, producer and writer, completed a short drama film from scratch in 48 hours. In the end, we were lucky to win several awards, including the Best Director. In fact, it's not that long ago, but everything seems to be like a lifetime ago. I'm really sorry to all the members in the crew! I've been too busy with all kinds of things,business-wise and spirit-wise, and put off the film for too long, and only until now I’m putting it online. It was the most beautiful memory of the passing summer for me. I hope you will enjoy it as much as l do.
“忧郁季节里的一点柔光。在时间和场地难以控制且几次被迫变动的条件下,48小时电影计划组委会努力排除万难,终于实现了这次线下颁奖放映会。第一次收获如此沉甸甸的奖项,有点懵懂,秋天的果子掉落在脚边,在混沌中向着澄明的方向,敞开,播撒。特别感激Rock Pushers 大家庭每一位小伙伴的信任与爱,感激友人郭濮源赞助场地System、孙信喜赞助公寓作为拍摄之用,John Munro赞助工作室让我们进行后期制作,感激艺术家高洁为我们手绘动人的海报。当寒冷的季节降临,让我们继续抱团取暖,继续相信art heals。”
——王小邪 2022.10.31
“A little tender light in the melancholy season. The organizing committee of the 48 Hour Film Project worked very hard to overcome all the difficulties and finally realized this offline award screening under the conditions of difficult time and venue control and several forced changes. It’s the first time for me to receive such an award. I was flattered. The fruits of autumn fell at my feet, opening up and sowing, in the direction of clarity in the chaos. I'm so grateful for the trust and love of each member of the Rock Pushers family, for Charles Guo for sponsoring the venue System and Leon Sun for sponsoring the apartment for shooting, for John Munro for sponsoring the studio for post production, and for artist Gao Jie for illustrating the beautiful poster for us. When the cold season arrives, let's keep warm together and continue to believe that art heals.”
—— Wendy Wang Oct 31. 2022
Rock Pushers小组影片《忧郁之火》简介:
本片导演/制片/编剧王小邪(Wendy Wang)是一位独立影像创作者,也是一位诗人,艺术小组“两个推石头的人”的创始人。她一直将诗歌视作其创作核心,本片的剧本也如同诗歌作品,以意识流式的节奏展开,包含三个平行发展的忧伤故事,每个故事都与单口喜剧演员发生着或明或暗的联结。第一个故事关于面临中年危机的单口喜剧演员(Jamie Wilson饰演);第二个故事关于一个男人(Jared Mimm饰演)和一个女人(Camilla Zhao饰演)的爱情;第三个故事关于两个处于成长期的年轻女孩(Léa和Ling饰演)。
The 48 Hour Film Project(48小时电影项目,www.48hourfilm.com),顾名思义,需要你和你的团队在48小时内从零到有完成一部短片,包括剧本创作、拍摄及所有后期工作,并完成网络上传。这个疯狂的念头源自于2001年的美国华盛顿,如今已扩展至全球6大洲130多座城市。同时,优秀作品还有机会在戛纳电影节短片专区进行展映。
2002年中国区赛事规定,及Rock Pushers剧组抽中类型:
朵纳 歌 / 大卫 歌
Donna Ge / David Ge
stand up comedian
2. Prop道具
Cigerette Lighter
"Give me music and I'll show you love."
Coming of Age & Drama