

发表于2020-12-27 08:31 热度: 作者: 观后感

This is the first time I watched a movie directed by Guo Jingming, I have to admit that I was attracted by the high-flown costume in the trailer. As expected, it was full of sparkling daydreams. Adapted from a novel, the film is defined as a fantasy, and there is no need to entangle the specific dynasty and places.

From the perspective of respecting the movie itself, the various skills of characters and the unrestrained imagination refresh me. The 30s long shot when Qingming first entered the capital city by boat shows a lively scene of night fair, which is magnificent and glamorous.

The composition and soundtrack are beyond the average level, but the director wants to send us too much information. There are at least three storylines. The first is that Qingming and Boya went from being incomprehensible to each other to the last gentleman’s friendship. The second is the love story between Qingming’s master and Princess Changping that spanned a few decades but was finally sacrificed for justice. The third is the awakening of Qingming’s master identity and the improvement of self-cultivation.

Hoping director Guo Jingming could practice what he has said in the film, facing up to his experience of plagiarism and complete the sublimation of personality in real life. 
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