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Another outing for Lady Chatterley’s Lover
In “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” the heroine wishes for men to “leave [her] alone”. Film-makers seem unwilling to do the same to D.H. Lawrence’s final novel, first published in 1928 (obscenity laws meant that uncensored copies weren’t sold in America and Britain for another 30 years). The book—detailing the affair of an aristocrat and her gamekeeper—has been repeatedly adapted in the decades since.
The latest version, made for Netflix, is released in cinemas in America and Britain on Friday and will be available on the streaming service in December. Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, the film’s French director, is not the first to apply a feminist lens to the story. In 2006 Pascale Ferran, another French director, was lauded for focusing on Lady Chatterley’s perspective (writers including Simone de Beauvoir had previously taken Lawrence to task for his patriarchal pomposity). Ms Clermont-Tonnerre’s take also focuses on the environment, championing the natural world that “mechanised greed” has ruined. What was once seen as simply blue is cast in a more modern shade of green.
Another outing for Lady Chatterley’s Lover
In “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” the heroine wishes for men to “leave [her] alone”. Film-makers seem unwilling to do the same to D.H. Lawrence’s final novel, first published in 1928 (obscenity laws meant that uncensored copies weren’t sold in America and Britain for another 30 years).
在影片《查泰莱夫人的情人》(“Lady Chatterley’s Lover”)中,女主希望男人“离她远点”。而电影的制作者却似乎不愿意以同样“敬而远之”的态度对待劳伦斯(D.H. Lawrence)1928年首次出版的最后一部小说——根据得体法规,其后30年,未经审查的副本未能在美国和英国销售。
The book—detailing the affair of an aristocrat and her gamekeeper—has been repeatedly adapted in the decades since.
The latest version, made for Netflix, will appear in cinemas in America and Britain from Friday and on the streaming service in December. Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre, the film’s French director, is not the first to apply a feminist lens to the story. In 2006 Pascale Ferran, another French director, was lauded for focusing on Lady Chatterley’s perspective (writers including Simone de Beauvoir had previously taken Lawrence to task for his patriarchal pomposity).
全新版《查泰莱夫人的情人》专为Netflix打造,将从周五起在美国和英国影院上映,并将于12月上线流媒体平台。这部影片的法国导演劳瑞·德·克莱蒙特-托奈尔(Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre),并非将女权主义视角运用于叙事的第一人。2006年,另一位法国导演帕斯卡尔·费兰(Pascale Ferran)因专注于查特莱夫人的视角而倍受称赞——包括西蒙娜·德·波伏娃(Simone De Beauova,法国存在主义作家,女权运动的创始人之一。法国著名文学家、哲学家和社会活动家让-保罗·萨特的女友。代表作品《第二性》、《名士风流》——译者注)在内的作家就曾对劳伦斯作品中的男尊女卑思想大加挞伐。
Ms Clermont-Tonnerre’s take also focuses on the environment, championing the natural world that “mechanised greed” has ruined. What was once seen as simply blue is cast in a more modern shade of green.
Ms Clermont-Tonnerre’s take also focuses on the environment, championing the natural world that “mechanised greed” has ruined. What was once seen as simply blue is cast in a more modern shade of green.
1. 这句中的名词take是一个影视专业术语,意思是:a scene or part of a film/movie that is filmed at one time without stopping the camera,即(不停机一次连续拍摄的)场景,镜头
2. 在D.H.劳伦斯《查泰莱夫人的情人》这部小说中,很多人物都有着深刻的寓意。如:残瘫的克利夫(女主的丈夫)象征着他所代表的腐朽阶级和制度,并预示着西方工业文明的气数将尽;梅勒斯(情人)象征着健康旺盛的自然人性;而康妮(女主)则象征着英国社会的新生。